What is Creamed Honey?

Raw creamed honey has an extra step. After collecting and straining raw honey from the hive, we pour it in a honey creamer. A honey creamer is essentially a holding tank with an auger that spins the liquid honey periodically over a few days. Honey naturally wants to crystallize in the tank, but by stirring it we interrupt the crystallization process. This allows us to control the size of the crystals. The smaller the crystal, the smoother and creamier the honey. Creamed honey has a smooth, sumptuous texture that is perfect as a spread but preserves the healthy goodness of raw honey.

What is the Shelf Life of Honey?

Honey has no expiration date. Even though it doesn’t go bad, it can still undergo some natural changes. The National Honey Board says that over a long period of time, honey may darken or lose its aroma, its flavor, or even crystallize depending on the conditions of how it is stored.

How Should I Store Honey?

Do not expose your honey to moisture or else it could ferment and lead to a sour taste. It is not recommended to refrigerate your honey. Instead, keep it in a sealed container in your cupboard.

What is the Difference Between Raw Honey and Honey Found in the Grocery Store?

The term “raw honey” simply means that it has not been heated or filtered. Our honey is extracted from the hive and immediately bottled. Commercial honey that you typically find in grocery stores has been heated to around 160 degrees to break down the natural sugar seed crystals and force the honey through a filter to remove all the pollen grains. This process is also designed to prevent crystallization, but it also ends up destroying the antioxidants, vitamins, beneficial enzymes, and the aroma of the honey. Our honey is all-natural and 100% raw, passing on all those benefits to you.

Is Raw Honey More Nutritious Than Processed or Filtered Honey?

Raw honey retains all the vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes that are otherwise lost by overheating and pasteurizing honey at a commercial level. Raw honey also retains its pollen, another superfood that bees produce. Pollen is typically filtered out in your average liquid supermarket honey.

When Honey Gets Crystalized, Does That Mean It Has “Spoiled”?

No, in fact, it usually means you have an extremely high-quality product. Because the filtration process of commercial honey removes a lot of additional health benefits, honey that crystalizes easier will typically mean you have a higher quality product. When honey crystallizes, it is still just as nutritious, sweet, edible, and delicious.

Can Eating Honey Really Help My Seasonal Allergies?

Honey does help with seasonal allergies. Its believed that when someone eats locally produced honey, they are going to be ingesting the local pollen. Over time, a person may become less sensitive to this pollen and as a result, may experience fewer seasonal allergy symptoms.

How Do I Substitute Sugar for Honey When Cooking or Baking?

For every cup of sugar used, use ⅓ cup of honey and reduce the oven temperature by 25 degrees to prevent over-browning.

Why Can’t Children Under 1 Year Old Have Honey?

Babies under one shouldn’t have honey, especially raw honey, because there is a small chance that they could develop botulism. It is an extremely rare and dangerous condition.

Why Can’t Children Under 1 Year Old Have Honey?

Babies under one shouldn’t have honey, especially raw honey, because there is a small chance that they could develop botulism. It is an extremely rare and dangerous condition.

Is Your Honey Kosher Certified?

Yes, it is Kosher certified by the Orthodox Union

What are Some Things I Can Be Doing to Support Bees and Their Survival?

The best way you can personally impact your local bee population is by cutting off all uses of herbicides, fertilizers, and insecticides. Even if these are sprayed far away from the hive, after the first rainfall the bees will visit the sprayed plants and drink the poisoned water, bringing it back to their hive and killing it in the process. Start at a local level and educate your neighbors and friends and then start expanding the circle. If your space and time permit it, become a backyard beekeeper. Believe me, it is a very rewarding hobby!